Hard headed big me

 Dang. Whenever I say "I'm gonna sleep by 8pm", it always end up being a scam. 'Cause I lived through my years without sleep. char.

So basically I'd be a vampire.

But i don't like wakin' up too late. Mornings are blessings. 

The fact that i don't get to see mornings are kind of are a ruin. It's strange for me 'cause i know for myself that i am a 'night owl' and i wake up early, so i'm also an early bird at the same time.

No schools. Nxt month, is the enrollment date.

No plans, no future. That's their spirit. They expect you so much yet they don't even have the high quality or the average level of management in what they do. I say this because I'm affected and I know most of us are. 

Everybody needs a wake up call.

It sucks i had to talk about it here in my blog. It's a part of sucking that's affecting me. Lol

Anyways , i was going to say "back to reality"..girl that is the sad reality. So, to point smthng out, i meant to say.. back to my reality. I have got goals, and nothing should hinder nor refrain me from taking a step forward. We all should and must learn how to go around or get through one thing, step-by-step.

Know that our minds are complex. Be creative. Be an excellent thinker.


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